Academic Writing
Module Description
This module is designed to equip learners with essential academic writing skills and introduce them to the standards required for producing high-quality academic work across various modules and their dissertation.
It provides numerous opportunities for learners to understand and utilize tools and resources beneficial for academic writing. Throughout the module, learners will explore a variety of academic literature sources, including books, journals, and other credible sources, and engage in discussions about identifying and choosing robust sources.
Important topics such as the selection of books, the indexing and ranking of journals within their fields, and the evaluation of journal articles (both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed) will be covered. Additionally, the module addresses the identification of weak sources and ineffective academic writing strategies, offering practical examples to guide students.
Learners will also develop skills in navigating online libraries and repositories, using key search terms and strings, and employing tools like Mendeley for efficient literature management. This comprehensive approach ensures learners are well-prepared to filter and conceptualize academic literature based on their research needs.
Entry Requirements
Candidates who apply for this course will possess:
- A related qualification at EQF Level 4 such as the IATA Foundation in Travel and Tourism Diploma.
- One ‘A’ Level or equivalent and a pass in English Language* and Mathematics at EQF Level 3 (‘O’ Level or equivalent).
- In the case of mature students who do not possess all the formal required academic qualifications, then the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process could be applied such that if evidence of equivalent learning is found then the applicant could still be accepted in the course. Such RPL process will subject applicants to an interview held with a board of experts within the field, chosen specifically by IDEA Academy, so as to verify their experiences and prior learning.
*Students whose first language is not English and do not possess an ‘O’ level pass in English Language will be required to demonstrate English language capability at IELTS level 6.0 or equivalent.
Target Audience
This course is targeted at:
- Individuals seeking to advance their academic and professional knowledge in Travel and Tourism.
- Individuals wanting to pursue a wide range of career paths in the travel and tourism industry.
Career Paths
The potential positions for which this programme aims to prepare could be and are not limited to:
- Travel Consultant.
- Operations Manager.
- Event Organiser/ Planner/ Manager.
- Business Development Executive.
- Hotel Manager.
- Travel Agency Manager.
- Marketing Executive.
- Tour Operator.
How you’ll be assessed
The course comprises:
- Evening classes for part-time courses.
- Classes held throughout the day for full-time courses.
- Guided learning, presentations, comprising synchronous online discussions, tutorials and/or videos.
- Self-study hours comprising research, reading and assignment work.
Modular Assessment is carried out via two mandatory components:
- Formative Assessment
- Summative Assessment
The programme includes different forms of assessment which allow for and promote students’ critical engagement. The formative and summative assessment tasks may include an in-class assignment and/or a home-based written assignment using diverse assessment tools which may take the form of online and in-class discussions, examinations, case studies, reports, proposals, essays, and presentations, etc., as applicable to the diverse modules.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:
- Analyse a number of manual strategies which facilitate the way to approach academic writing.
- Assess the use of technological applications which enhance academic writing.
- Carry out tasks, literature searches and academic writing with the help of the application, software, online tools, etc.
- Produce various pieces of writing to show their competence in academic writing.
At the end of the module/unit the learner will have been exposed to the following:
- Be familiar with a number of research tools which support academic writing.
- Consolidate knowledge of the various sections and the key aspects of an academic piece of writing.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how to approach the writing of a research paper and how the different sections should be presented in a scaffolded manner.
- Learn about the importance of various applications and tools which can be used to organise literature sources.
- Understand how available resources (e.g., online libraries, online repositories, etc.) support academic writing.
- Discuss the importance of using robust literature (e.g., peer-reviewed sources) when writing academically.
- Describe various elements which one needs to consider when approaching academic writing.
- Investigate how these various elements change depending on the purpose of the academic writing (e.g., when writing for a qualitative research paper, when writing for a quantitative research paper, etc.)
- Write assignments, essays, and reports in an academic, clear, and scholarly approach.
- Collaborate with peers in discussing the role of academic writing and how this would affect their position if it were not approached robustly and professionally.
- Discuss various ‘dos and don’ts’ of academic writing while analysing practical scenarios provided by the lecturer.
- Evaluate how academic writing fosters personal and professional development within learners.
- Be reflexive (think, analyse, act) in his/her approach to academic writing in order to grow professionally.
Module-Specific Learner Skills
- Assess good and weak practices of academic writing.
- Establish a positive attitude towards approaching academic writing.
Module-Specific Digital Skills and Competences
- Carry out academic research on websites (e.g. Google Scholar) or journals (e.g. EBSCO, Taylor & Francis, SAGE, etc).
- Carry out research, manually and/or online via the Internet. · Develop a reference list using the Microsoft application in-built function.
- Navigate through the online learning platform to find, download, and upload assignments, discussion boards, literature, tutorials, etc.
- Use basic Microsoft office (or equivalent) applications in order to write and submit assigmments.
- Use several academic software (e.g. Mendeley) to enhance the academic and research experience.